Wednesday 15 January 2014

Torturing my children- with healthy food.

I'm sure most everyone who has children has felt at some point like they were torturing the children with healthy food I know I am right now. Especially when they refuse to eat what is offered and then not ten minutes after you've cleared the untouched plates from the table they blurt out "I'm hungry" what they're really saying is "I want one of those tasty, seriously addictive and full of empty calories snacks"

It wasn't always this way for me. No sir, I used to have at least one "good eater" at each meal.

Then I had surgery and 5 days post surgery Edison broke his leg. We ended up with a long hospital stay at the Womens And Childrens Hospital. There are not many food options in the hospital at all. And almost all of them where either a boring as watching paint dry salad or a pastry of some sort. Or hot chips with or without gravy.

I am certain there where better options on other floors but I couldn't even be away from my in traction childs bed without telling the hospital staff and having to scurry around getting what I could. Being away for even a minute was awful. So I stuck with the cafeteria on our floor and whatever family members brought in. Kicky was staying with us as well and wouldn't touch the hospital food. He ended up living on rice crackers, Chocolate Tiny Teddies and Rafferty's Garden baby food pouches. And lots and lots of chocolate Yogo custard.

By the time we got out of the childrens hospital I was weeks behind in my studies, had a child in a cast that needed round the clock care and also Mr fussy (kicky) I was frantically trying to catch up, dealing with the care of edison and looking after Kicky too.. all day everyday. So the snacks continued because they were quick and he could just walk off with them. Edison was also eating almost nothing but snacks, the only real meal the frozen bolognaises and casseroles I froze before my surgery.

Now almost 6 months down the track I am STILL trying to reintroduce all the foods they used to eat and slowly the children are coming around to the idea. We also have since discovered Kicky is highly intolerant to dairy and wheat products.So he is also getting used to soy instead of dairy. (thank goodness he is still breastfeeding!) it has become very apparent that this habit is extremely hard to change. Note to parents who have yet to introduce junk food- it isn't worth it the kids are happy before it enters their lives and once you try to take it away they will hold onto it like a bull dog with a locked jaw on a chew toy.

But back to the excising of the treats- the boys aren't thrilled. Also in order to get children out of eating horrible for their bodies food morning noon and night- it would seem that you have to be prepared to let them go hungry. I feel like the "worst parent of the year award" should go to me when they're begging and screaming because they want what they want.

Right now I am offering nothing but healthy foods to them. They have eggs, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, soy cheese, sweet potatoes, tuna, bananas, apples, kiwi, mushrooms, beans and many other things offered and it is usually met with "I don't like that" and them walking off.

But I am "winning" they aren't fading away and now Edison is complying to my request that he try one bite of everything on his plate and then he can go. Kicky is less cooperative and more challenging because he will go to the fridge on his own. I fixed that problem by throwing out any and all unhealthy foods. So if he wants to help himself to fruit, veg, cold cut meats or soy cheese.. go right ahead buddy! Still it doesn't change the endless whinging because they remember the tasty treats and want to get those at our every morning fruit run. They beg, they plead and I still say "sorry sweet heart but that's not what we came here for. I know your disappointed I like those things too" of course I will and do sometimes get them a little something. But I'm aiming for it to be no more than once per week, so I don't ruin our progress.

So that's the major thing happening today. Any ideas for me? How do you help you children unlearn about junk food and encourage them to eat healthy?


  1. I don't get over here enough. You are doing great. Blogging and food training. Stay the course. The whinging will fade. Once it does, then it will burst forth at irregular but lengthening intervals for a time.

  2. thanks for the encouragement. We are getting there, slowly slowly I am having less resistance and more enthusiasm. I will write about our progress soon!
