Saturday 11 January 2014

About Me

About me; 

As the name suggests I am a parent. If you are a parent I am just like you in many ways. I have things I enjoy, things I worry about, things I am good at and things I wish I could just erase, do over or hit the rewind. lots and lots of "things"

Here's some things about me that are more specific to our family;

I have a Husband who works really hard (probably too much) at providing for his family and enjoys cars, motor bikes and computer games. I will call him M.C. short for Man Child as he never really grew up; which I think he'd probably prefer rather than being referred to as DH all the time. ;-)

And I have two play ground terrorists.. I mean sons.. we will call DS.1 Edison and DS.2 Kicky.
Edison was born in June 2010 he loves trains, cars, pets, his grandmothers, play group, McDonald's Fries and Plants Vs. Zombies and Kicky arrived in March 2012 He is currently into ball games, laying on the cats and snuggling them, Bolt the super Dog and ME. Total Mummy's boy.

We also have 8 pets, they're family too:

a Standard bred horse named Lulu, who has been part of our lives for the last 6 years since I took her on as a rejected 3 year old who couldn't trot fast enough to be a race horse. She's easy going but likes her space.

a Shetland Pony named Guinevere (Gwennie), she started as a rescue and as a companion for Lulu that wouldn't eat too much, she's loyal, laid back, an attention seeker who just loves to be cuddled and now the pony our sons ride.

a yellow dog called Odie, who is 9 years old and getting a little senile. He loves to get on the furniture and is very affectionate (borderline annoying) he's been with me since I was 16 after my first cat (also named Tabby) passed away under tragic circumstances. We've been through a lot together and he claims the title of my oldest pet. He's been with me longer than my husband.

two cats- Tabby (a fluffy female brown tabby colored moggy with attitude and a love for sticky date pudding) and Cheese (a mentally challenged female ginger who just showed up one day and started eating Tabby's food. and decided to stick around) These cats would have to be our childrens favorite pets as they can pick them up and cuddle them.  

a turtle named Gomez; this uber cool reptile enjoys his own pond and the admiration of Edison and Kicky for being a "ninja Teedle" he gets quite a bit of street cred just for being a turtle.

a big brown hen named Madam Cluck. Because Henny Penny or Chicken Licken was too easy as was Chooky. She's an only chicken since the rest of the flock passed away. This will change soon though. Until then she's quite good friends with Cheese.

and then there's Heather; a psychotic lop ear rabbit with trust issues and a love of human flesh- namely M.C's she actually likes me and tolerates the children. But prospective petters beware.. she is a serial and unprovoked biter. We took her in because if we didn't she would have been put down. She's moderately grateful to me when I feed her.

And then there's me.. who is really who this about post is about.. As the horse ownership suggests I am a horse riding girl, I practice Elimination Communication (EC) and gentle parenting, I love art and craft, I really love to sew even making my own cloth nappies as back up for EC but both my boys are now potty independent. As well as other items of clothing and toys. I can't knit to save myself.

I'm outdoorsy and love spelunking and hiking and camping and rock climbing and if the weather is hot I will get into the pool but I dislike the beaches- two words sharks and sand nope not for me.

I think for now I will leave religion, politics and other more controversial topics out of this bio but I am not shy and will readily voice my opinion even if it isn't popular.


Here I am, I'm a mum, a wife, a little bit nutty and very likely opinionated.

Welcome to my blog.

Just .Another. Parent.

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